We had a yard work marathon this weekend. We started with hedge trimming, raking, weed pulling, and mowing the lawns. Then, we moved on to the backyard where we did some cleaning out in the jungle and several other projects. There were several old flower beds near the back walls of our house that had been overgrown with grass and vines and had these old, rusty metal borders. So, we dug out all the grass and vines and removed the borders and added brick borders instead, and then I planted flowers and h

erbs in them. I also planted the rest of my front flowerbeds and vegetable garden too. They took more work than they look like. The dirt hadn't been worked in a while and was rather hard to break up, plus digging out the metal and then putting in the new trench for the bricks took more time than I hoped. Still, I think they turned out pretty well.
Then, we also stained the deck yesterday, which is never a fun task, but it looks so much better afterward. All this, and we also made time to do a little nature hike in

the foothills with Aspen yesterday. She enjoyed it, but Mike had sore muscles so I'm not sure he did. We ran into 3 deer both on the way up and on the way back, and it was a struggle to hang on to Aspen, who desperately wanted to go "play" with them.
Then last night, we were again visited by our friendly neighborhood raccoon. Somehow or other, he got into the open garage in the afternoon. I was talking on the phone with my sister about 6:30pm and all of a sudden there was a terrible racket in the garage. Apparently, Mr. Raccoon had just discovered he was locked in and didn't like that one bit! For lack of anything better, w

e just opened the garage door for an hour or so until he decided to wander out on his own. Then, about 9:3opm, we again heard noise outside and the little monster was in or garbage. We opened the window and yelled down at him, but the little bugger just ignored us and continued to scavenge his dinner from our trashcans. I guess we are going to have to move our trash cans into the garage for the time being. Mike snapped this picture of his from the upstairs window. I never had to deal with this when I lived in Nevada!
Yard looks great! Time to put up the hammock and enjoy? Oh yeah!